EA on Times Radio: “Elbows Up” — #Canada v. #Trump, UK’s #ReformParty Implodes, and News from #Greenland to #Ireland (Scott Lucas w Darryl Morris)
50-min special
* #Trump threat energizes Liberal Party and #Canada
*Rebellion v. #NigelFarage as leader of UK's #ReformParty
* #Greenland election on Tues
* Will everyone play nice for #Ireland Taoiseach Martin in White House on Wed?
@ScottLucas Some of the family known as #BurkesOfCastlebar are on that same flight to the USA. I’m sure they have some plans underway to cause their usual mayhem. It will be interesting to see if they have all the necessary visas, and if they get anywhere near Trump / Taoiseach, or if they are off to big up trans issues and lies around their myriad legal actions in Ireland.